In-School Programs
Volunteers Are the Heart of Our Organization ❣️
Every year the students, faculty & staff look forward to these programs organized by dedicated HSA volunteers
Every year the students, faculty & staff look forward to these programs organized by dedicated HSA volunteers
![]() Class Parent Program
Class parents are involved with your child's teacher and class throughout the school year. A form will be posted online for interested parents. ![]() Kindergarten Ice Cream Social kicks off the school year for Kindergarteners and their parents to meet their new teachers and gather with classmates.
![]() Tic Toc (To Introduce Culture To Our Children) is a program that is run year-round for grades K-5. Volunteers introduce an artist to the students using a poster of a masterpiece. Mini-lessons include details on the artist or a genre of art and, often times, students create an art project.
![]() The Snowflake Bake takes place during the December holidays and is a perennial favorite among the school's staff and administrators. Parents volunteer to bake holiday treats for all to enjoy.
Library Volunteers Parent volunteers are scheduled to assist our school Librarian during your child's Library class.
![]() Ready-Set-Go! Kindergarten Screening
Kindergarteners and their parents will be introduced to the HHK school from the day the family registers to the first day of school via this informative program. |
![]() L.E.A.P (Lunchtime Enrichment Activities Program) is a six-week program, run during January and February, that provides indoor recess activities. Twenty-minute workshops include, yoga, theater, crafts, games, legos and more.
![]() Teacher Appreciation Week is a national holiday that is celebrated during the first week of May. The HSA creates a series of small events throughout the week to show our great appreciation for our school, its leaders, its administrators and its teachers. The week culminates in the Annual Teacher Appreciation Luncheon held in the school's courtyard.